Cyrano de Bergerac
Directed by Charles Morey
“Patrick Page, one of this country’s finest classical actors, plays the Comte de Guiche, the villain of the piece, with the rich-voiced elegance that is his trademark. I’d like to see him play Cyrano..”
“Patrick Page is simply world-class. Direct from Spider-Man, he lends his silken baritone to the rival Comte de Guiche; and I eagerly await the one fine day when he is cast as the iconic Cyrano.”
“…And Patrick Page (the savior of Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark) is a perfect villainous aristocrat, as silkily sinister as Claude Rains in Errol Flynn costume movies.”
“…Patrick Page gives a beautifully articulated performance as the despicable Count de Guiche. Funny enough, de Guiche is the only character in the play to wear the traditional French lace collar — but on Page it looks anything but effete. Truly manly men, it seems, can get away with wearing lace collars and speaking in rhyming couplets.”
“…The production’s most affecting work comes from its villain. Proving that there is life after Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, Patrick Page doffed his Green Goblin costume to step into the comparatively small but juicy role here of the oily Comte de Guiche... For most of the action de Guiche is a snide adversary to Cyrano, a schemer for Roxanne’s affections and a hazard to the soldiers of Gascony when he impetuously sends the boys into battle in a virtual suicide mission. But he has a beautiful speech near the end in which he reveals that wealth, rank and privilege do not ensure happiness or even self-respect. This makes him the character that undergoes the most profound change, and Page traces that process with a melancholy ruefulness that is genuinely touching. Page’s handle on the language is impeccable and effortless…”
“Patrick Page…brings both menace and surprising poignancy to the imperious selfish letch, Comte de Guiche. With a voice that seems to slither up from the bottom of a dark mine and classical experience beyond his Grinch and evil Uncle Scar in The Lion King, Page goes so far beyond the cardboard outlines of this villain that we wish the play were about Cyrano and him.
“…The great Patrick Page brings his expertly layered, basso profundo villainy to the heavy, scheming Comte de Guiche.”
“…Patrick Page is masterfully dastardly as Comte de Guiche…”
“…An always welcome Patrick Page, is perfectly cast — his voice, his size, his sonorous delivery are of a man who is self-consciously noble amid a group of rougher souls.”
“…Several supporting roles are nicely played, chief among them Patrick Page as the villainous Comte de Guiche.”
“…Contrasting very well against Hodge’s scruffy, scrappy hero is an urbane, silken-voiced Patrick Page as the wickedly aristocratic Comte de Guiche, who amusingly resembles Louis XIII. Their fleeting clashes spark the show’s best moments. Usually it’s the balcony sequence or the autumnal conclusion that one recalls most about a “Cyrano de Bergerac,” but here it’s whenever these two actors meet.”
“Patrick Page, most recently seen as the villain in Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, adds heft to his scenes and nimbly talks the talk with a velvety boom.”